The 2024 Cricket Week kicked off with Twickenham's youngest set of cricketers taking centre-stage.
Every year the Ts organise a 12 week Allstars programme for those in years 1, 2 and 3. That programme starts in late April and finishes in mid-July. However, in 2024 the Ts properly rounded off the Allstars' season on Sunday 4th August with an internal game for those in school years 2 and 3.
Nick McCollin was the chief organiser and he did an excellent job of getting everyone holding the bat the right way round and bowling (mostly) with a straight arm. Good stuff.
Next stop for many of this year's Allstars cohort will be pairs' cricket in the U9s in 2025. And, say it quietly, but that bodes well. Nick and the Allstars team have done a really good job of getting our youngest players into the sport. Let's see how that progresses in years to come....